Unblocking a blocked user

Follow the steps below to change a “blocked” user status.

  1. Click on Users on the left hand menu on the Vodafone Managed Business IoT Connectivity Platform Dashboard or home page.

  2. Select the relevant user name and scroll down to System in the Details window that appears.

  3. You can then view and edit the status of that user, to change it from 'Blocked' to 'Active'.

  4. Check whether the user’s account is set to expire on a certain date. If necessary, you can change this to a future date or select “Account never expires” to keep the account active indefinitely.

  5. You can reset the user’s security details by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the Details window and selecting Reset Security Details from the list of options that appears. You will then receive a notification asking you to confirm that you want to proceed with this action, after which you can update the details as required.